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Page 17

  "I'm not surprised. Modest income is a better teacher than a dad. Knowing how to do things for yourself is important when there's no money to pay someone else to fix it."

  "Hmm." Alex turned to lean against the table. "He could have just married a guy who can do it for him." He knew the grin he turned on Jared was smug, and it made Jared laugh just as he intended.

  "I guess that plan worked for you." Jared set the router aside. "Except Matt's looking for the other gender, which isn't to say he couldn't find a do-it-herself kind of girl. I swear I don't know why everyone wants that table with the beveled edge. It's a pain in the neck."

  "Because it's gorgeous," Alex chuckled. "You shouldn't have put it on display at Montigue's Fine Furnishings. Have you even had an order for a different one since you did?"

  Jared sighed. "No."

  "So make something new. Your new designs always sell."

  He shrugged and picked up a sander, examining the bottom. "Maybe I will. I'm having a hard time settling in for some reason. What are you working on?"

  "Come on, I'll show you." Alex took the sander out of his hands and set it aside. "You can get back to this on Monday." He led him to a door at the back tucked into a corner.

  Almost the entire back wall of Jared's shop consisted of a garage-style door that opened to a huge, covered exterior workspace. The door they went through led upstairs. Quiet and carpeted, the open space contained several different groupings of furniture as well as a kitchenette tucked into one corner. A large recliner and some other pieces of overstuffed furniture were arranged in front of an entertainment center complete with a flat-screen TV and several different video game consoles. The walls were dominated by pictures of family and friends.

  The center of the room held a more business-type arrangement where Alex talked to prospective clients. The wall beside the meeting area displayed professionally framed images of buildings Alex had designed over the years. Jared preferred talking to his customers in his shop. His part of their upstairs domain located at the far end was still dedicated to homeschooling. The wooden table top was scuffed and scarred, a magnetic whiteboard took up one wall, colorful magnets scattered over it, the words 'Free at Last' written in fancy calligraphy. A bookcase took up another wall, stuffed full of discarded schoolbooks and a library of fiction.

  Jared paused on their way to the door opposite the one they'd just come through. "Can you believe we've been together thirty-five years?" His fingers lingered on the back of one of the chairs.

  Alex moved up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "When I look back, I can't believe most of it." He huffed a small laugh.

  He didn't feel old at fifty-one, and it seemed incredible so much living could fit into such a short space of time. On the walls around them, childish drawings had been pinned up. The rudimentary caveman-like images gave way to more sophisticated ones that in turn gave up their place to creations exhibiting true talent. The shelves didn't hold just books by other people, but story after story written in a messy scrawl that witnessed an imagination that moved faster than the pen. "We've lived a lifetime, how did it go so fast?"

  Jared turned in his arms and kissed him. "We aren't done yet."

  Smiling, Alex relaxed against him. "Not even close," he agreed, the familiar surge of love for Jared filling his heart. "Now come downstairs, I want to show you something." He pulled Jared after him by the hand and they went down to Alex's half of the downstairs. A pair of huge flat-screen monitors took up most of the table containing electronic drawing tablets as well as the more traditional keyboard and mouse. The simply decorated room was an architect's dream.

  Separated from Jared's carpentry by a thick pane of soundproof glass, Alex had designed the layout so they could work in the same space without the inevitable sawdust of Jared's profession destroying his more delicate equipment. The only ways available to go from one side to the other were either to go out around the building and use an exterior door, or cut through the upstairs. A high-quality intercom allowed them to communicate easily. Whenever Jared was working Alex kept the intercom on, turned low, the sound of sawing, hammering, and Jared talking to himself better background noise than any music.

  He brought up his computer and in a few clicks found the file he wanted to show Jared. The building conception was simple and not as impressive as most of his recent work.

  Jared gave him a flat look. "What's that?"

  "What I'm working on. You don't like it?" Alex barely managed to keep laughter out of his voice.

  "It looks… functional."

  "Very honest of you." He couldn't help the laugh that escaped. Jared frowned at him.


  "It's not about what I designed, but where they are going to build it."

  "Okay… and where's that?" Jared looked cautious as if he'd realized Alex was up to something but hadn't decided what exactly.


  "That's different and far… Alex, what's going on?"

  "Jared, we've always said we were going to travel, but we never have. First it was my work and then the kids and, well, no more excuses. I took this job and they want my design. I could do the consulting part of the job via video meetings but I don't want to."

  "You want to go there."


  "The kids…"

  "Tara's off to college and Matt's doing just fine. They won't even know we're gone. You have time to catch up your backorders before we go." Alex pulled a book out of a drawer.

  A black bound photo album with gold lettering on the binding proclaimed it 'Part six'.

  Jared opened the cover to reveal an empty page. "A new chapter?"


  Jared closed the album. His eyes fixed on Alex.

  Jared didn't like change. Alex knew the decision could go either way, but he didn't want to wait any longer for this part of their dream. Jared's illness had rocked his world and brought home a reality he didn't want to face. They weren't getting younger and one day 'later' would be too late. Alex held his breath, waiting through the long silence for Jared to make up his mind.

  "Are we going to redefine our lives every time one of us has a brush with death?" Jared asked, his voice gentle.

  Alex shifted, uncomfortable that he had pinpointed his unspoken thoughts with such accuracy.

  He shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe."

  "What happened scared me too, Alex." He paused and Alex knew it had been as much of a confession of weakness as Jared was likely to make. "I'd love to run away with you."

  "Yes!" Alex threw himself into his embrace before he could take another breath, wrapping his arms around his neck, fitting their bodies together. "I love you," Alex breathed.

  "I know." Jared smiled into their kiss and slid his hand up his shirt, coming to rest on the small of his back. His fingers moved in a gentle caress against the bare skin. Hands fisting in Jared's shirt, Alex rocked his hips forward, lust heating his belly and curling its way up his spine.

  "Oh God, Jared."

  Losing himself to the feel of Jared's hands and the fire of his kiss, Alex knew they were going to be late for their dinner reservations… again. It seemed a fitting beginning for their next thirty-five years.


  Diane Adams

  Diane started writing a number of years ago but never published until Dreamspinner Press accepted Blue Skies in spring of 2010. She works a regular 9 to 5 job during the week and has the herculean task of raising three kids on her own so time to write her stories isn’t always so easy to find. She has successfully managed to squeeze a bit in here and there and loves to write, explore and develop her characters although she admits she has to be careful with characterisation (her favourite part) as she is prone to spending too much time on this and not enough on making sure things happen!

  Webpage: http://dianeadams.virtualdelusions.com/

  Blog: http://diane-adams.livejournal.com/

  Facebook: Diane Adams

  Twitter: d

  Email: [email protected]

  Also by Diane Adams at Love Lane Books


  Last First Kiss (coming November, 2013)


  Our December

  A Place to Run

  Stronger in Your Hands

  Clark's Story

  If the Stars Fall

  A Home for Christmas (December, 2013)


  Shattered Secrets

  Broken Memories

  Splintered Lies